The best thing to do to stop drinking

We have to stop drinking. The first drink is what gets us. It sets in motion the craving that won’t stop until you pass out. If you can’t control how much you drink that’s a clear sign you have an addiction. We have lost the ability to control our drinking and we must stop or we will die or end up in jail or a mental institution with wet brain, a syndrome that is caused by a lack of thiamine in the brain. You do not want this.

You can also be physically dependent on alcohol. If you are physically sick, start getting the shakes badly, and have other physical issues when you quit you need to get medical help immediately. Alcohol withdrawal can be deadly and it is not something to mess with. There are detox clinics in every major city. Go to a hospital or go to your doctor. They will help you find a place to detox medically.

If you don’t have medical issues you need to stop one minute, one hour, one day. Ask your God to help you. If you don’t believe in God ask the Spirit of the Universe to help you. Get out of your head. I used AA to get sober so I recommend going to a meeting and telling them when they ask if there are any newcomers that you need to stop drinking. The people there will help you. If you don’t believe in AA go to your doctor and ask what he recommends. AA worked for me. The judicial system of the United States of America believes in AA. They will help you there if you are arrested for something involving alcohol. Give it a shot.