Today is my wife’s birthday

Today is my wife, Helen's birthday, and I am so so grateful I am able to celebrate it with her. She is the mother of my two children; my soul-mate who knows more about me than anyone. I am so grateful she is alive, as she battled and defeated an…

The best thing to do to stop drinking

We have to stop drinking. The first drink is what gets us. It sets in motion the craving that won't stop until you pass out. If you can't control how much you drink that's a clear sign you have an addiction. We have lost the ability to control our drinking…

I can’t stop drinking, am I an alcoholic?

If you are reading this and think you have a problem with alcohol you are NOT ALONE. Alcoholics are everywhere, and sober alcoholics will help you get sober. It is impossible to get sober by yourself. You need God and the help of a sponsor (someone to walk you through…

AA changed my life

I was so despondent, suicidal, desperate for something to change me. I could not put down the vodka. I went to AA for years and could not stay sober. Why? I would not give myself to the simple program. I wanted to hold on to the idea that I could…